10 Quick Tips to Make Your Workouts More Effective

Whether you are getting bored of completing the same workout routine every day for months or are feeling crunched to get in shape quickly for an upcoming event, you may sometimes feel your current fitness habits simply aren’t cutting it.  


Fortunately, there are many smart and effective methods you can build into your current exercise regimen to get the most bang for your buck out of every session. Our top trainers at Get F.I.T. offer advice on how to make the most out of every time you hit the gym to level up your body and your mind. 



1. Take Some Deep Breaths 


Before you start your workout, it’s important to connect to your breath. This will not only open up your lungs and nourish your muscles with freshly oxygenated blood, but it will also help you get into the right mindset.  


There are many different kinds of breathing exercises, so search around on YouTube until you find a guided practice that you love. This will help bring you into the present moment so you can fully focus on your movement.  


2. Get Hyped Up  


Once you’re in focus mode, it’s time for some positive self-talk. This can keep you from being overly critical of your progress or harsh on your body.  It may sound cheesy, but look in the mirror and say some affirmations such as: 


  • I love my body and how it moves 

  • I am grateful that I can walk, dance, and use my hands 

  • I am POWERFUL, even when I am feeling weak  


Focus on the parts of your body that you love and the progress you have made so far. It may be helpful to allocate a fitness journal to jot down positive thoughts and goals.  


A growth mindset is key to improved athletic performance. 


3. Pump Yourself Up with Music 


If the positive self-talk just isn’t cutting it, create a soundtrack that makes you want to move. Research shows that those who listen to music they love during a warm-up perform much better than when listening to no music or music they are indifferent to. 


4. Say Goodbye to Distraction  


Before you get sweating, put your phone in airplane mode so you can truly stay in the zone. It can be tempting to check social media or emails in between sets, but this can undermine your goals and waste a lot of time.  


Plus, you may stumble across a post that makes you feel insecure about yourself or like you’ll never see any real progress. I.e., ‘why don’t I look like that already? I’ll never be able to move like that. If only my body had XYZ...’ you get the picture.  


5. Set Intentions 


While it’s fun and even healthy to sometimes go with the flow, in many cases, having a clearly defined plan is a recipe for success! A plan of action for when you step into the gym will keep you on track and also help you stay within range of what’s right for your body.  


Not sure where to start at the gym? That’s what we’re here for! Reach out to our trainers at Get F.I.T. to get into the rhythm of your fitness journey.  


That being said, it’s always a good idea to stay flexible in case things don’t go as planned. If your biceps are feeling overly fatigued, maybe it’s time to switch it up and focus on the glutes. Perhaps someone is using the equipment you were planning to hop on. Don’t just stand around waiting for them to be finished! Go hold some planks instead. 


6. Begin with Myofascial Release 


Starting your workouts with foam rolling or other myofascial release techniques can help relieve muscle knots that are preventing full mobility. The better your mobility, the less aggressive and safer your workout will be. You’ll be able to get deeper into certain movements, such as lunges and squats while maintaining proper form.  


Keep in mind that foam rolling relaxes your muscles, so it’s crucial to properly warm up before diving into heavy lifting. Reactivate your muscles with simple bodyweight movements or light resistance bands. 


7. Tap Your Muscles 


This might feel silly, but tapping the muscles you’re using can be incredibly effective at making sure you’re turning them on and not putting too much potentially harmful pressure on joints.  


Tapping gives your nervous system feedback to adequately activate the area, improving the mind-body connection. You can either complete this before you even start your exercise or a few reps in. 


8. Stay Well Nourished  


If you take anything away from this article, let it be: don’t show up at the gym hungry. Low blood sugar can cause issues within your heart, vision blurriness, and general moodiness.  

Fuel up beforehand and drink plenty of water. We suggest eating at least 30 minutes before so that you don’t upset your stomach from too much movement. 


9. Stay Simple 


Limit the number of moves in your workout to around three or five exercises and stick to just a few kinds of equipment so that you can focus on working your target muscle groups. Plus, this will cut down on time as you won’t have to float around the gym!  


You don’t need to do anything insane to have an effective workout. 


This will also help you notice your progress since you will be performing the same activities over time.  


Stay FIT > Boost Your Muscular Endurance and Feel Amazing 



10. Remember That Not Every Workout Needs to Completely Drain You 


There is no shame in taking it easy, as long as you are showing up consistently. You won’t leave the gym feeling hyper-energized and ready to take on the world after each session – and that is perfectly fine. Some days you may decide to wrap it up early while other days you might not give it your all. It’s ok to give yourself a break. After all, we’re doing this to stay healthy and happy.  


Paul from Get FIT Helping with Functional Exercise

More Magic for Your Money with Each Workout 


If you’re feeling like it’s time for a change in your workout but don’t know how to go about it, start with these simple yet highly effective measures to make the most of every moment you step inside a gym or spread out your yoga mat in your living room.  


If you work with our personal trainers at Get F.I.T., we can create a customized approach for your unique body and goals that you can use whenever or wherever you want to get moving.  


Contact our team today to Get F.I.T. 


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